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Gordon Active

The GA - GORDON ACTIVE, a company of the Gordon Tours group, is the first and largest company in Israel to specializing in active tourism. With 40 years of experience and reputation in the world of tourism, GA's experts are familiar with all the hidden paths, breathtaking experiences and secrets that only locals know of. We, at GA, are working closely with only the world's leading companies and GA has been selected as the sole representative of the world's largest and most professional active travel providers.

Gordon Active's first internet project aims to be a young, lively and comprehensive site with impressive visibility about various trips. Choosing Drupal was due to the complexity of the site and forward thinking towards further development. For this project, we have performed a very comprehensive characterization and user experience planning process, all while planning a complex yet highly generic information architecture with amazing management possibilities. Up till now, since the site was launched in early 2016, we have made many changes and improvements of the site, as should be appropriate considering the site works for the brand and grows with the business!

Advanced hotel and real estate systems and sites
We have been leading the design and development of the most advanced real estate and hotel websites and systems, with advanced management interfaces, unique search engines, integrations to other customer systems, incredible designs and many more options.
Gordon tours Drupal site
Advanced management interfaces and fully adapted to customer needs

There is no compromise when it comes to ordering sites that work for the business! Here as well, as it is with most of our customer sites, we have especially created convenient management interfaces for all content in the site with data retrieval, search and find, quick updates, multiple updates, data export, multiple content import and many other options.

Ordering system Drupal
A sophisticated and generic ordering system

Each trip page displays the various packages for the same trip. For each trip, the client can change the values ​​of the trip (rooms, flights, etc.). All of this information is gathered and managed in a generic way into the trip which enables data retrieval by the content editor and full synchronization with the reservation system.

Trip route Drupal
The trip route - planning of days

Each trip page shows a trip route. However, unlike other sites, the information here is not static but rather dynamic and allows complete control over the numbering of days, automatically, as well as the reuse of information regarding one day or another.

Search tools drupal
Advanced trip searching system

We have created a quick search and find interface for the trip, a fast searched system based on search faceted principal. Moreover, the content editor can add and remove different variables from the search bar and the system intelligently identifies variables based on the types of trips and their location.

Dynamic tagging system for each trip

The content editor of the site can add and remove a tag related to any trip as well as create new ones for different trips. Clicking on tagging will direct the user to all trips under the same tagging.

Content linked to the trip page - gallery, general information, guides and more

The system allows adding and removing tabs according to the linked and/or uploaded content of the trip. This way, for example, it is possible to either present galleries related to a certain trip or retrieve an existing gallery for a similar trip. Many more options allow presenting a large amount of information under the tabs on each trip page